The Cascade S&G Guide to:
Sandblasted Signs
When you are deciding on a look for your new sign, one style to consider is sandblasted cedar. It is natural, affordable, versatile, and complements the beautiful aesthetic of the Pacific Northwest.

Creating a sandblasted sign is a fairly straightforward process. Your design is printed onto a rubberized masking material, which is laid over cedar wood. The wood is then subjected to treatment using high-pressure winds and sand, which effectively erodes away the parts of the wood sign that are not being protected by the masking material. The resulting product can be painted or stained to your desire, and then you have your own brand new sandblasted sign!

The process of sandblasting a sign is surprisingly cost effective, with its fabrication being more affordable than other signs of its like, such as dimensional lettering. Additionally, cedar is naturally bug and rot resistant, ensuring your sign will last for years. We are also proud to be working with a local sandblasting fabricator right here in the Seattle area! Installation is also much simpler than other types of signs, which further adds to the value of a sandblasted sign. If outdoor weathering and longevity is a potential concern for your sign, this type of sign aesthetic is also available at a similar price point using high-density urethane. HDU is plastic, which means that it won’t erode or warp under extreme weather conditions; however, it’s lighter composition leaves it flexible and open to abuse from high winds or pedestrians if not properly secured.
All in all, if you are looking for a cost-effective, natural looking sign that will last you years, consider getting a sandblasted sign!